Custom "Signature Forms" for additional Agreements, Waivers, Authorization Forms, etc.
I'm not doing thorough explanations or mock-ups anymore. Basically a way for users to setup custom terms and conditions, similar to the built-in default “Intake Form” for things like:
Managed services contract and conditions
Recurring credit card billing agreements
Third-party services authorization form
Equipment trade-in signature paperwork
I know just about every shop is still using paper for at least a few documents. For shops like mine, this amounting to literally hundreds (some months just over 1,000 for us) of papers that are manually tracked/organized. I know ideally all of these docs would be uploaded to RS, but that takes too much time. It would be hugely helpful to have these docs generated/signed/filed in RS from start to finish.

We were prepping to start this and realized the narrow-scope version we were willing to commit to would just make most people upset that we “built it half way” – but we aren’t in a position to compete with docusign/etc and spend a year building a proper solution.
We could more easily help make a zapier/webmerge solution work if you wanted some automation, if we get a lot of feedback supporting that idea I’ll make it happen pretty quickly.
Barry Jeung commented
+1 Everyone loves paperless!
Traci McMahan commented
+1 My goal in life it to get rid of paper. Filing hassles, paper costs, ink costs, yadda yadda.
Jeff Caauwe commented
Just starting using RepairShopr, came across this, whilst looking for this exact option. Please and thank you!
Tim Nyberg commented
+1 A method to create our own forms and contracts. Maybe in a contract center. Integrated with some kind of "esign" service. And the ability to sign via iPad. Then client would get emailed a PDF for their records etc.
We could email a client an agreement like we do with estimates, wait for approval and signing. it would then be available and stored with their customer info like assets.
Also the ability to renew those agreements, duplicate (versioning) and tweak and resend for renewals and such.
This would be very nice. It is a big hole. No easy way to manage agreements. Much less keep track of them.
One application of this. We have a General service agreement that all business clients much sign, we could send this out via RSr, they could esign and we could monitor who has and has not signed etc.
Chuckles (Instigator, RS User) commented
AGREED! +1000000