Vendor details on Product sales reports
Would be really good on the product sales report to be able to see the vendor, Im trying to keep track of what we pay suppliers as we only pay once its sold on certain products. Currently Im searching line by line and its very tedious!
Thanks for the suggestion here. It’s possible to have multiple vendors on a product. How were you thinking this might be represented on the report?
Chantelle Pierson commented
Suggestion is to make 'Vendor' as drop down option in the 'Products Sales Report'. Similar as you have already for 'Product category'. And as in Product Category, you would be able to select which vendor(s) to display customer and vendor item purchased and price. We receive discounts of Vendor actual Sales and there is presently no way to display this info.
Jack Deakin commented
They could be presented in the same way multiple serial numbers are? In my situation this doesn't really apply so would be good if anyone out there who uses multiple vendors for products can give some input!