Unconfusing the emails and CC emails.
When a customer sends an email in to Repairshopr to create a ticket there is no reference made to anyone that was CC'd on that email and replies do not get set to additional people. Please include any CC'd people in the additional email fields when creating a new ticket, and have those names listed in the Ticket Info and have a field in the comments area showing who each comment was sent to.
Steve Burdick commented
We as well have clients that CC others. Sometimes vendors or their manger for approval. We are working our emails out of another system but look forward to working everything out of repairshopr. Is this on the roadmap at all?
AdminRajesh Agarwal (Admin, RepairShopr) commented
@tim - Good news! We've had that forever! Especially watch the video at the bottom of this KB page - http://feedback.repairshopr.com/knowledgebase/articles/295874-customer-custom-fields
Tim Nyberg commented
Maybe related on the scripting level so I thought it might be worth tossing out here. If we could flag a client so when we create a ticket for them or access any of their files a big notice would pop up that would be great.
Like a client is a "tin foil hat" as we call them. We'd want a notice to pop up so if anyone does anything with this client they get a notice right away with a short one line note. Or at least a discrete icon that would tip us off that we need to click the icon to get "more info".
here we can put things like -- do not work with this client they never pay. Or they are crazy don't start projects with them...etc This may be a suggestion of it's own but this train of thought brought me here.
Tim Nyberg commented
An additional email issue I'd like to mention is the "No Email" checkbox in the client record. It seems if that box is checked clients not only don't get newsletters but they don't get the emails we send form tickets. This could be a good feature if tied to some kind of flag for crazy clients we never want to work with again. But what we have found is we need to send clients ticket and estimates and such, they just don't want newsletters and junk mail.
This has cased a few issues, clients waiting to hear back on something we have emailed them several times but they have never gotten.....I think due to this option.
I think it needs to be a bit more granular, do not send me newsletters and such but it is ok to sent ticket replies....
Tim Nyberg commented
I agree. The ticketing system needs a big update in the email department. We get tickets all the time where a client has CCed someone or a vendor and we can't see any of that information.
Michael Leone commented
I like the sound of this too. Not an urgent issue but certainly something to keep on the board down the road?