Arrange Tickets Reverse Chronologically
When I look for a ticket, the list is presented in numerical order which puts the oldest on the top and newest at the bottom. Usually the ticket I am looking for is one of the newest so I have to scroll down the list to the bottom.
It would be an advantage, at least to me, for the Tickets to bbe listed in "Reverse Chronologic Order" That is, newest on the top of the list.
floridacellrepair commented
I agree. I have to click "created" multiple times to get it to change that way. Then once I go to a ticket and the go back home. It goes back to its default. With 2 pages of tickets. It gets really old scrolling to the bottom, clicking next page and then scrolling to the bottom again. Super frustrating. They should implement a feature to set it up how the store would like it setup. Not how RS thinks is best. Then you should be allowed to set that as your default and never have to deal with this again.
AdminRajesh Agarwal (Admin, RepairShopr) commented
Thanks for the feedback, I like to think of it as:
"The oldest is the highest priority" - so they are on top.
You could reverse sort on the ticket number, and bookmark that page for now?