Show custom fields information in the customer portal
My customers are getting confused as the item information that I enter in my system under the 'custom fields' does not appear in the customer portal.
I see there is an area on the customer portal ticket look up that is labelled 'Additional Information'
Could this information be shown here ?
I have retail shop clients who may have 10 or 20 of their customers items with me at any one time.
Tristan commented
This could be expanded to allow us to choose what fields we choose to show our customers as well.
Example: I use Ninja RMM, but it is Branded with my logo. When my customers login to my portal, they have limited access to the RMM portal. However, when they login to the RepairShopR portal and see that all their asset types are Ninja Computers, it raises questions. Plus it looks bad
Brandon commented
this would be very helpful to us as well. thanks
Lukas Brock commented
We have a similar problem with some of our major customers handling repairs on behalf of a number of businesses and want to be able to denote what equipment belongs to whom. Even having a report that downloads custom field info for a customer so they can then associate the information with a ticket or invoice.
Really hope to see some more development in this area