Decimals in inventory item discount percentage
The inventory item discount percentage currently only works for whole percentage, i.e 2% . We would like to see decimal percentages i.e. 2.2%
Ray commented
Extra decimals are needed across the board. Discounts, Inventory/product cost& Inventory/product pricing. Very time consuming to receive 100 items that are $0.232 cents. Have to receive some at 1 cost and others at another to make things jive. Nearly impossible to do a partial percentage discount unless you do the math yourself. This is a must!
paul commented
Yes, decimals would be of great value
louisp commented
We really need to have this. Not having the ability to add a specific discount is painful for us (decimals). Why haven't this been implemented in 4 years?
Robert Gerber commented
Right now (march 2019), an inventory item based discount works correctly in tickets, but incorrectly in invoices. tickets correctly show a decimal percentage discount (ie, a discount of 11.3% - a ticket with $100 worth of charges would be discounted by $11.30 to $88.70). Once that ticket is used to create an invoice, the discount percentage is automatically rounded down to a whole number (ie, the 11.3% listed above becomes an 11% discount on the invoice, so $100 worth of charges would be discounted by $11.00 to $89.00).
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
PLEASE! We also want to use this for a surcharge when customers pay big invoices with a credit card. We want to add 2.75% or 3.5% to the invoice total but can't use the discount item for this because it rounds to whole numbers! PLEASE?
Barry Jeung commented
YES! Would definitely like to see this. It is just math anyways :). In all seriousness though we have existing contracts out there with discounts that aren't whole percentages and we didn't catch this before going live in RS so please please please fix.