Manual sync for Xero
Greetings all,
I have been having a few issues with incorrectly entered invoices and some payments posting to Xero automatically. I think it might be valuable to have an option for a manual sync button instead of it being automated. This would allow me a chance to correct mistakes prior to syncing with Xero (backing out some of the transactions can be most time consuming). I don't think that I have any downside on a manual post as I can do it just prior to working in Xero at the end of the day.
What do you all think?

skye commented
This option would be very beneficial
Rafal Pochec commented
I have same problem here . Manual sync option / button instead of automatic sync would be very very helpful to avoid mess in XERO.
Matt Ed commented
I think you can already do this. If an invoice or payment hasn't syncd ku can then manually sync it.
Charles commented
I just reread this, and I think I should be clearer...I know you can turn sync on and off at a system level, what I am talking about is to have a sync button in things like the invoices, so you can reread them and check that all is correct prior to syncing them.