usb drawer pop-open
recently I posted a comment on an existing planned feature; the printer drawer-open integration. I don't know if comments really are the best way to inject ideas on an already existing subject, so I decided to make a separate post.
Not sure if devs are aware of this handy gadget, but a better solution would be to integrate with usb drawer open devices.
The device is simple, cost-effect and equipment agnostic, so it works with all cash drawers.
These devices can be purchased for $20-$35 wholesale and retail for $50-$75, so its cheap to say the least and provides the most flexibility on equipment.

Hey – we have an idea of a solution, but can you give us some more details/links/etc?
A usb drawer opener would be fine if it had a javascript API so we could control it from a web browser.
centercityrepairs commented
Also the cash drawer dosent pop when a customer purchase is made. Is it possible to add the pop drawer feature to the end of a customer purchase?
centercityrepairs commented
Its a loss prevention issue that my cash draw is set to open every time a receipt prints.
bryon commented
I'm anxiously awaiting this so I can get rid of my Cash register! As we say in Arkansas, Ya'll com'on, now!
GeekOut Admin commented
not sure about a pre-existing javascript api, but heres a link to one version of the product through a major pos supplier. Depending on demand, they may be willing to create/provide such an api for easier integration.
here is the link have had my developer create similar apis to what you are asking for when we integrated a payment processing solution into a browser bases pos. Ill ask if it can be used for this purpose with minimal rewrite; if so Id be willing to donate to the cause for the convience.