Invoice Snail Mail Status
It would be nice if it showed whether or not an invoice has been mailed. It would be nice if this displayed as a notification at the top of an invoice "Last mailed on XX-XX-XXXX at XX:XX:XX"
I would also like to see this on the invoices page similar to where it shows the "emailed" icon.
It should also show up in the invoice log stating when it was mailed.

Jason Wright commented
Yes, we need this feature to track manually mailed invoices!! We don't use the RS snail mail, but we do mail invoices ourselves.
Paul Schwegler commented
This needs to be expanded to a report that shows all invoices that have been e-mailed but not read, and then the ability to send a snail-mail invoice as a followup.
Dan Illausky commented
Would like to see some action on this as well. I've got 2 customers who report they are not getting their paper invoices, but we have no way to confirm.
Ellissa Scott commented
My client keeps saying he do not recieved it in his snail mail box! Please REVIEW FASTER!!
kipscleans commented
I am also curious about the snail mail feature. We have customers on recurring invoices for large companies, and their accounting offices demand paper invoices. The snail mail feature would be ideal, except I'm not sure there's a way to verify that the invoice has been sent or what the status is.
Chris commented
Yes, good idea. Although we do not use it much we still have customers that do not want emailed invoices.
Nicole commented
I like this idea as well. We do not use RepairShopr's Snail Mail feature. However, if a customer did not give us their e-mail address, we sometimes have to mail out receipts or bills. It would be nice to be able to have different options for the "status" of the invoice. Currently, if we e-mail the customer a bill, the e-mail icon shows as the status. It would be nice to be able to mark this as mailed out as well, so that we know that a bill was mailed out and when it was sent.
Eli Burgs commented
It used to do this!
Jason Lee commented
Agreed and voted.