Margin's for markup
Hey guys,
Just thinking how nice it would be to see how much profit margin that I'm going to make on a estimate. (The difference between the Retail price and the cost of my part. Example:
When I enter a part into an estimate have it show our cost and the retail cost and then a summary at the bottom of the table that talleys the total.
SIDE NOTE: When creating a part it would be great to have a few things happen:
1. Field for URL storage (That way 3 months after I create an estimate and my client approves it... I can actually find where I found what they were looking for!) All inventory items could use this feature!
2. Standard Markup Calculation: Have the form take the COST of a part X my 35% markup + SHIPPING COSTS = RETAIL PRICE. This would be a HUGE time saver.
3. How about a field to store a picture of my part?
Just a few things I've been thinking about since I've been using Repairshopr. You guys have a great product! I hope I can help make it even better!

Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
@RS: This appears to be a duplicate of a similar idea. Can these be merged?
Martin commented
Just another thought as well - could it be made REALLY clear whether a price is to include or exclude TAX / VAT
A few of my staff have entered incorrect figures in the past then we wonder why we don't seem as competitive on some items until the error is found.
As we are VAT registered this has a massive impact on pricing when entered incorrectly.
many thanks,
Martin -
lucas commented
I love this idea, and am excited to see it. I would LOVE it if I could set blanket margin on an estimate/ticket/invoice. I have a standard margin that I need to make on all systems, but sometimes I want to adjust the whole ticket, and so far I haven't found a way to do that other than manually adjusting each line item which can take quite a while since I work with custom computer builds and the like so there are often 15+ items on each ticket. Thanks!
Clay Vaughan commented
Stoked to see that this has hit the Planning stage. I want to put the emphasis on the URL field and the standard markup calculation sections. I'm always using a claculator to figure our standard markup when entering a new inventory item. Would be great if it could do the math for us!
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Just realized the 'markup percent' part of this (the hard part) is done, but not the 'gross profit margin'. I really love how you integrated the markup percent as a green-popup field when you tab between the cost and price. Can you just add the gross profit margin as a value right next to the markup percent? Maybe even in it's own blue-popup field right next to the green-popup field for markup percent. It's just a simple subtraction equation. Then you can mark this as resolved :)
Margin is almost always a
. I think you can mark this as completed.