Followup - To Do system for entire staff
It would be great to be able to keep an entire team up to date on any special "to-do's" or "follow-ups" that are required. Think of it like a pin up/sticky note system that your entire staff can easily see and update.
Currently, we can only setup reminders for ourselves... as good as we all are... sometimes having other's be able to see these reminders can help get task done if someone falls behind.
The more collective we are... the better we are~ Kind of like the Borg :)

Appreciate the suggestion. Is the main change that you’d like to see everyone’s reminders in one place? Or would this be a different feature all together?
Chris commented
We find slack is a good integration!
Martin commented
I also +1 this idea. I think it would be really useful though, instead of just having a reminder open to the group marked as completed, if you could assign your name to it as the one who completed that reminder task. This way, if there is any need to go back to it for reference in the future, you know who to speak to, rather than contacting all your staff to find out who actually completed the reminder task
pcsat commented
+1 for the Task feature suggested by Eric, that would work perfectly for us also. Currently its a real PITA to get disparate systems working together consistently and all it takes is a small error or missed task to ruin a customer relationship.
Erik McFrazier commented
I would like to see it be a different feature all together. I find with my company that we end up having to use so many systems to keep the whole engine running. And one of the things I would like to see is a Task feature where we could assign tasks to employees without it necessarily being tied to a ticket. And if it synched with Google Tasks or some other GTD app, that would be a bonus.
Chuckles (Instigator, RS User) commented
The current reminder system is working... except once a reminder is created... we are unable to edit it all together. Edit features would be great to reassign or change dates
j-marc commented
As I've already suggested, the way manage the to-do's is really well done and it would be wonderful to find a feature like this in RS. Thanks
Anonymous commented
It would be nice to show what ticket this reminder was created from as well as who created it.
Chuckles (Instigator, RS User) commented
That would be a good start! Then we can at least see what is out there for other members of the team. This would also be a good "view" for management. If a reminder was not completed, they could delegate to another employee.
Multiple systems that I've seen/used have a single "widget" area or page/tab that displays all to-do's and reminders for the entire staff. I've also seen filters to see only a certain staff's reminders or type of reminder.
I think an overall view would be a nice "next step" for this system.
Hope this helps! Keep up the great work guys