More Robust Contact Management (Vendors / Customers / Contactors / etc)
It would be nice if there was a "Contacts" section that stored your Vendors / Customers / Contactors / etc. I would just like to see more options for keeping track of relationships with much more than just customers!

Make sense. Would you want these to show up in the Customers section, though?
Sherrill Belew commented
We would definitely like a contact section under vendors like the tab under customers. We have vendors where different contacts do different aspects and so our purchasing person has to add the order desk contact before making a PO and our AR has to change it to the AP contact when dealing with the bills and so forth.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
@Robert - Following up on your comment from 12/26/13:
Vendors is becoming such a big part of operations now that POs are being updated. If you think about it, workflow on the "back-end" works like this: Vendors >fulfill> Purchase Orders >using> Inventory >onto> Estimates/Invoices. As such, I truly think Vendors will soon deserve it's own module and toolbar icon on the top of the app.
The idea of having a fully featured database just for vendors and contractors, with all the features of customers (attachments, invoices, linked contacts, etc) is amazing. Many of our vendors have multiple account numbers, phone numbers, separate reps for sales/support/shipping/etc.
Any chance this is coming after the PO module is finished updating? :)
Daniel Doyle commented
Full vendor details similar to the customer database enabling me to see at a glance who I deal with, what they are good or bad at but essentially an export to a mail merge or label print for paying bills.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
@Robert: The answer to your question about this showing in the Customers section is "no". Vendors need to be in a separate section like they are now, but should have all the same features that the Customers module do. Is it possible to revamp the Vendors module along with the Purchase Orders module? They are very related...
Ryan (Power User R7, RepairShopr) commented
@Robert - This is becoming more and more needed as we add additional vendors. Some examples of things missing in a vendor's information page:
Multiple contacts - with individual phone numbers, phone types, extensions, emails, titles, etc.
Multiple account numbers - for big chain accounts who have accounts for each location.
Attachments - for agreements, contracts and supporting documentation about the vendor.Most of these things are shown in the mock-up of my feedback post below. Essentially, the Vendors account pages should work just like the Customers account pages do. All aspects of the vendor in one place, from contacts to purchase orders to payments. Basically, just another separate database of customers, but with the title Vendors.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
@Kevin - I totally didn't notice this post before making this:
Is this similar to what you were thinking? The main feature I wanted was the internal RS CID lookup, which is where my idea stemmed from...
Manos Boumparis commented
Very good idea. Also there must be "Job description" and "VAT ID" fields in Contacts
Kevin commented
Any other features you guys would like to see apart of this?