Make Private comments editable
Make Private comments editable.
I know this has been raised before but it would be soooo helpful to be able to edit private comments so we can add job notes etc in a continuous stream rather than having to copy paste and throwing out all the date stamps.

Mike Hurt (Director, Dymin Systems) commented
This was formerly raised in 2018 and declined
But I'm going to also agree that it should be possible. Any other ticketing software I've ever used allows admins to edit notes.
Deleting and re-adding is not a solution, because you also cannot change the time-stamp, leading to the logical flow of ticket being completely off.
Simple solution: Allow (with relevant Permission option in settings) editing any note field. Note now shows "edited" near the upper right. Admins can view prior iterations of the note.
If you still want to restrict Emailed notes, that's fine. The system shouldn't allow emailing of Private notes. That's the whole point of Private vs Public. If it's emailed, the notes is Public and you could lock that from editing. Any other note type should allow editing.
With respect to Gazo's concern, that would not be an issue since it could be controlled by User Permissions. Draft versions of notes would not be necessary, just make them editable. I wouldn't even care of it didn't keep an audit-trail history on the notes, if you want to lock Public notes. There's no reason to prevent editing Private notes.
Gazo commented
I think as an audit trail, we may not always want staff to be able to edit private notes. Also if private notes were editable, and you have enabled the email option to send private notes to one of your mailboxes, then should it resend the private note again after each edit.
Maybe RS needs another feature on top of private note. Like DRAFT note, and SAVED note.
Before closing a ticket, all DRAFTS must be saved which are then, if set, emailed to the private staff email address.