It would be time saving to be able to add a major serialized item directly to the purchasing customers Asset list at the time of purchase. Either via an (add to Assets) checkbox or button beside the line item in the invoice. This would allow us to keep customer asset lists up to date more readily for all major purchases.
Nathan Carr commented
Yes please!!! Customer purchases a computer, it gets added to their asset list.
Laura commented
This would be a huge help. Its exhausting to try and make sure that every item sold is then created into an asset for the customer. I have given up even trying to do this when I have a few hundred serialized Items I am selling a month. It really only happens now if a customer calls in for a warranty call.
JOSEPH JONES commented
Being a company that offers a service with our hardware produxt this would help with issue trackong tremendously.
Jason Pitt commented
I would love this.