AASP Ticket Communication
This idea is to have a global system in place to allow all Apple Authorized Service Providers who use RepairShopr the ability to view notes from other locations. This is extremely valuable for multiple reasons.
It provides insight on repair and ticket history. This also allows AASP's to "flag" a specific customer or device that may have been tampered with. It provides clarity on expectations that were set before and helps customer agents align better on future interactions.
This tool would obviously need to be optional but would also need to be strictly AASP's who use Repair Shopr due to Apple standards.
Some AASP's more than others will interact with customer's who travel store to store looking to get their device covered under warranty when it is intentionally tampered with. As soon as a store notices the tampered device it can be flagged and serve as a warning for anyone else who registers that serial number or customer name.