Treat Parts Orders like Tickets
Could the Parts Ordering section be a complete interactive section and in essence be treated like a simplified Tickets module?
To elaborate...
Tickets has sections for updates and responses from customers and technicians. But currently the Parts section is just a basic field tracker. If Parts had categorical updates and a way for emails to be formatted and sent to Vendors / Manufacturers. Then their responses could be logged to the Parts section in the way that Customer can respond to Tickets.
Right now, when I use the Parts section to make a special part order, I still have to write a separate email to the Vendor. When that response comes in, I have to go back to the Parts section and manually enter details. Emails could be setup to auto notify when a response comes in
There would need to be a Form that could be templatized and configurable in the Admin Settings so that a Parts Order could be formally submitted to the Vendor...