Revise the time entering black under the public comment box
We use this field to enter time into a ticket for most jobs. Since you have to enter minutes and not hours worked, i have noticed a few times my techs and myself have accidentally entered for example 2.5 because we spent 2.5 hours on something while we should have entered 150. It's a simple, but costly mistake.
I suggest that you make either some basic cosmetic changes to remind us to enter minutes, not hours. Simple text in the field would do. Or, you could create a warning dialog for any number entered under 5. Or, you could provide a dropdown that would give a choice of hours vs minutes, helping to remind a tech to put the right number in the box.

Gus Natale commented
YES!!!! Please let me enter my time in hours vs minutes!!!
Dean Elliott commented
Or change it to be entered in hours. Everything else in RS in in hours. In the "add remove charges on ticket" section it is already converted to hours and on the invoices it is in hours, why not have the whole lot be hours?? Also it easier to think "ive spent 2.75 hours on this job" rather than "ive spend 165minutes on this job"!