Better documentation of email template semantics
The default email template wrapper has no <html> tags or <head> section or metadata inside , just a <style> tag and then the main <body>
The meta is important, particularly
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"> to produce a responsive template as well as title attributes to help trust by email clients.
My compiled email templates obviously include such markup in full, but its unclear as to whether this should be ommitted and is added by RS as a wrapper to the wrapper (& is uneditable) or simply that the default markup is basic and simply ommits such markup.
It should be clear as to what is allowed here since duplicating the html tag/head tag could introduce potentially breaking results.
bob commented
A general markup for the wrapper so far that appears to work:
<meta> meta tags OK
<style> Put your styles right here not in a <head> section
<link href="|Raleway:400,500,700,800" rel="stylesheet"> - DOES NOT WORK & BREAKS OUTPUT
<title>NOT OK</title>
</html> -
bob commented
To help clarify this issue for a number of people. We have discovered so far that using
<head> tags and <link> tags (to import google fonts) are not supported by the wrapper and completely disable all output from the email template system.