make - (empty) dissapear completely if there is no first and last names
I know that on the invoice template etc you can tidy it up with {{customerbusinessnameorcustomerfullname}} but everywhere else it looks messy and it annoys the crap out of me.
If you have a customer with a first and last name and no business it doesn't say "First Last - empty" so I think for businesses that don't have a specific rep / owner that the same thing should happen where the word (empty) just doesn't appear at all!
Tyson commented
Yes, we need a checkbox for "bill to business" or the QBO "list name as" to solve this problem. I'm a couple days away from cleaning our new account and importing our customers from QBO and I don't look forward to entering the business names into First and Last names. But that's the only way to make some of the reports have client names and the appointment column on the calendar page not entirely useless.