Ticket automations based on comments/ keywords, not ticket subject!
The ticket automations are handy but limited. I want my staff to receive emails based on keywords, rather than automating processes based on the fixed ticket subjects such as 'invoiced' or 'approval'.
1 - As a manager, I don't want to get every email, but would like to see any emails that have particular keywords such as 'angry', 'upset' so I'm notified of any major problems.
2 - I have one store simply as a dropoff centre, so the staff there transport broken devices to the main workshop and take them back once they're fixed. Currently the only way they can be automatically notified is based on ticket subject. The first time the customer gets contacted, the ticket subject is 'diagnosis' then 'approval' and this can keep changing, depending on the length of contact, if they receive an invoice etc. If it's a warranty repair then we don't produce another invoice so I can't just set it up to fire out an email when invoiced. This means i would need to set up a lot of ticket automations and they would get a lot of unnecessary emails particularly if the technician has back-and-forth communication with the client. If i could just set it up to detect particular keywords in the comments, then my staff would only receive just the one email when the technician fires out the 'ready to collect' canned response, regardless of the ticket subject. If I could automate it so the ticket looks for if TICKET COMMENTS > CONTAINS> 'collect' then EMAIL CUSTOM ADDRESS (email of the staff at the dropoff centre)
This would be such a handy feature.

The Hard Drive commented
I would also like this feature.
If automation could be trigger "if comment" "contains" "fill in the blank" then by using canned responses we could cause automation to add public\private comments, sms, email, urgency changes, status changes, etc etc etc.