marketr send emails when ticket is just resolved
As I deal mainly with businesses I invoice after the ticket is complete but as Marketr only sends emails when complete and paid my emails are sent at the wrong times.
I would like to be able to send my Marketr emails when the tickets are marked as resolved and not paid for.

Rob commented
I'd honestly just prefer a ticket update email to go out FROM the ticket when it gets changed to resolved. I'd like to draw up a separate template for it, but heck, just notifying the customer that the ticket has in fact been closed would be helpful.
Having Marketr do this kind of complicates things because I'd want any response to that email to automatically re-open the ticket in a Customer Reply status.
You can still have your Marketr campaigns fire, but for us I'd rather that be more of an actual marketing campaign as opposed to defining and wrapping up a ticket.
Phil Hart commented
I'd like this as well!
Paul Brown commented
+1 This would be a great feature