Purchase order customer assigment
It would be great if we could assign stock to a customer when we are receiving it into stock, on a purchase order.
It would need to be on an individual line item basis, as we often receive stuff for stock and customers at the same time.
That way we could run a report and see if stuff that had been ordered for a specific customer had in fact been invoiced out.

Nathan Steele commented
This is a must, we have been trying to keep manual doc's but its making it hard. If the person that ordered the stock isnt in the shop theres a lot of confusion. Can this be fixed soon ?
Tim Nyberg commented
Greet idea. Like parts but with the ability to use a PO. This could be expanded a bit as well, it would be nice to create a PO for items that don't go into inventory, items that are ordered for client projects and as you suggested able to connect with a client or maybe that estimate. There is a big hole in the PO system, there is no way to write a PO for non-inventory items and the parts ordering system is way to simple for those needed.