Ticket "Flag" or "Pop Up" Warning/Critical Notice
Sometimes there may be a critical item that you may need to remember in a ticket. Since we have a sales, admin and tech side all looking at the system sometimes details can be overlooked. If there is something critical like "credit card dispute" or "does not like being called sir" that anyone dealing with the ticket may need to know a "pop up" or highlighted section that jumps out may be nice. Since we have a prepay policy and sometimes a corporate customer does not have to do so, if we have done business before, this would be helpful to let ALL groups know. Hope this makes sense.

I know these examples make sense for the Ticket, but just so you are aware you can work around this by adding a popup like this to the customer (it will affect all their tickets):
Setup a custom field type “popup” on customers, then on a customer you can add a note and it’ll popup once per browser session to remind you – even when just viewing a ticket.