Printing serial number on small receipts.
When we sell an item on the POS, for example a Apple MagSafe charger, which is a serialised item, the serial number does not print on the small receipt?
I checked the advance settings under the template for Receipt Template and could not see a checkbox to allow serial numbers to be shown?
It does show on the full blown receipt/invoice.
Any way of adding it to the small receipt?

Jason Schofield commented
I have this exact same issue. Recently, with a reseller agreement with Apple for Apple branded accessories that we recently signed, I was looking to enable serial numbers on the smaller receipts as it is required by Apple to be printed on the receipt given to the customer.
Mike commented
I had "Include line item Description" ticked and it made no difference. Sadly I don't think I can upload images/screenshots here. I did include these in an email to help@repairshopr though.