Automatic email notifications to customer for contracts expiring in 30, 60 days
Automatic email notifications to customer for contracts expiring in 30, 60 days and expired contracts

chris commented
This could easily be accomplished by combining several existing features into an improved Contract Manager. And I think you would greatly increase your MSP ability.
Currently there are 2 built-in options for contract reminders.
The first is just that, creating a reminder on the actual contracts page. The problem is this doesn't show up anywhere. Why doesn't the reminder get listed on the contract page? Now I have no idea if there's actually a reminder or not. Sure I could go do the reminder screen, but that's highly inefficient and defeats the purpose of a contract management page. It also ties the reminder to a specific tech - a TERRIBLE idea, because if that tech leaves and you delete their login account, it doesn't notify ANYONE!
The second way is on the Recurring Invoice page (assuming you're actually using the recurring invoice for the contract). Here, you can set it up as a General Subscription, choose the contract from the drop-down list, and check to have it create a ticket 30 days prior to expiration. This is a better option, but it needs the ability for me to choose the time period. We have it notify 120 days prior, so we can have a month to prepare, and then we actually start working with them 90 days prior. A simple way to change the ticket creation date would solve this.
There should also be a better way to get a quick overview of ALL contracts on the main contract screen - and there are MANY posts about ways to improve that. List expiration on that screen, show missing items so we can see if a contract needs to be finalized, show last time it was 'touched', and on and on.
We also need a template or something for Contract Pricing / Custom Rates. I'm tired of re-typing them every time!
Tim Nyberg commented
Yes it would be nice, and have an option to update CC info or auto renew. Check boxes not all contract would have that need.
Anonymous commented
It's a must