Point of Sale Controls
Some things to improve the point of sale:
1-Deposits taken from customers do not appear in the Z reports (when you close the cash registers) nor shown in the daily payments report. It should be reflected in both because those are the reports that tell you the incoming money. Otherwise that money is out of sight. If I'm not the one in the register how would I know there was a customer deposit?
In the POS where it says "Status" Open ( Close), the blue link that directs you to open/close the register leads to confusion. You wouldn't know if the register is open or closed unless you click the link. This can be solved if the green button that actually closes/open the register is on the outside insted of the status. Then if your button says Close Register is because register in open and viceversa, and then lead to the bill count.
It would also be interesting if the Admin could have the option of closing all registers at the same time and generate Z reports for all of them by register, without mixing the info though.