WordPress / Gravity Forms Integration
Gravity Forms is a widely used WordPress tool for creating advanced forms.
more info: http://www.gravityforms.com/
I believe this would be the easiest way to integrate with WordPress. By using gravity forms API you can integrate RepairShopr so that form fields will create new customer in RepairShopr and Wordpress at the same time or create a ticket which would be most likely the first two things that would be nice to have. Later there are other possibilities of expending the integration that I'm not going to dive in to right now but you can get lots of ideas when reviewing their API and RepairShopr possibilities.
API documentation can be found here -> https://www.gravityhelp.com/documentation/article/web-api/ and more info by doing search for it on their website.
Anyone else interested in this integration!? Any other ideas of easily integrating to WordPress :)

You could use zapier to send gravityforms into RepairShopr leads as structured data – once we add the new customer action we’ll probably mark this as complete via zapier.
Robert Medford commented
any update on this? it's been under review since 2016!!!!
SemiCircuit commented
seriously, this is one of those necessity features, if an adequate internal solution is not available. It certainly should have priority over some of the 3rd party service provider integrations. If not gravityforms, then ninjaforms or something similar.
Custom forms is a fundamental feature for almost everyone operating a repair/contract based business and custom forms have certainly become a fundamental feature for websites.
Additionally, a webform plugin integration removes the burden of creating forms from repairshoprs plate. No more need to respond and consider every users form needs. You simply create your base forms and then direct all custom request to your forms integration. I know that you all have invested time and energy into creating the custom widgets. However, those widgets are rigid and far from fully functional. They clutter the custom data sets with forced data fields that are not desired, they fail to offer the level of customization needed (as a custom widget) and they require more effort than necessary to work around their haphazard creation.
it feels like repairshopr has grown to fast and too much was attempted without fully fleshing out some of its best and/or most needed features that are already partially implemented. I can see where repairshopr is trying to get things cleaned up with the new UI, but it really feels like your devs could benefit from dumping some of those partially working internal features, consolidating your focus and allowing use of more flexible modules. Custom forms was obviously a large undertaking that hasn't really succeeded. However, a solution already exist that is fully ready and thoroughly tested; ie. webform plugins. No need to reinvent the wheel.
zapier is not the way forward for this feature at avg cost of $1.00 per zap ($1.00 per data conversion). That would get massively expensive, very quickly. Zapier is more for rare use cases that dont merit direct integration. stating zapier capability should mark the job as complete on a feature that solves an issue that effects nearly the entire user base is a disservice to your users. One shouldnt have to pay someone else to fix fundamental flaws in the primary app. Im not trying to offend with the flaw statement, but in opinion form creation is flawed and obviously others agree.
Just as an fyi, is the reason I left XERO and switched back to quikbooks, as XERO felt and still feels that negative inventory is not their responsibility and that their users should subscribe to 3rd party service providers to cure that need at an added cost of 75-125 per month. Please dont become that app maker. One can say that your still paying for gravityforms, but comparatively its much more cost effective. However, I do prefer formNinja as it starts out free for about 80% functionality and then allows users to add-on deeper customizations as needed.
Seby Bell commented
Is Zapier a paid service? I really love the idea of integrating Gravity Forms into RepairShopr though. I would like to see the entire worksheet and SLA modules replaced with Gravity form integration. This would solve a LOT of little annoyances with the current worksheet module, such as... not having conditional logic, not having the ability to collapse, or minimize worksheets individually, not being able to reorder worksheets, buggy worksheet section updates and not being able to have multiple SLA's. At least, I think it would. I can't afford yet another paid service though, if Zapier costs money to use.