adding line item dates
adding date to individual line items.
We have business customers who get a single monthly invoice. We can set this up as a recurring invoice and then it pulls all the ticket line items automatically at the end of the month and places them on the invoice. We could possibly be adding anywhere from 10-40 line items in a month. Many of our customers want an easy way to know what day of the month that each line item was performed. The easiest way would be to put a date field for each line item, but you can not edit the line-item fields...
As a work around, you can put tags in the item description. When I add a line item to an invoice, I've been putting {{ticket_date}} in the item description. This will then put the ticket date from the ticket that the invoice is linked too on the line item.
If I unlink the ticket from the invoice (such as on recurring invoices), it fails to properly put in the right date because you have multiple tickets involved.
Possible Solution:
Would it possible to somehow get a {{lineitemcreation_date}} tag created or at least {{current-date}}. This would allow us to put a line-item date tag in every item description that would automatically populate the date of the line-item. It would ideally need to be changeable as well, but this may do for now.
What about somehow using the tag from the backend of the ticket timer log somehow. It has a date that auto gets added to a charged item description. I am aware that the ticket timer method can auto-add date of line item, but that is only one entry where it is possible.