Create a method that would allow a customer to agree to Ticket terms remotely.
I have several customers that I provide support to remotely, and advertise remote support as a service I provide. Currently, I have no way to of gathering a "paper trail" on what service the customer agrees upon with your suggested workflow. You have a fantastic system already in place for situations where the customer is physically present (either in my shop, or on-site). What it doesn't do is provide the customer with an "agree to terms" page when I create a ticket. They can view the ticket, and the ticket terms, but can only "sign" it if it's through my RepairShopr login -not the customer portal.
I suggest that as part of the ticket creation process, an email be sent to the customer where they are given a link that takes them to the Intake form you already provide. They could then review the scope of the ticket, sign, and accept the terms. I would then get a notification that they have accepted the terms, and could then proceed with the usual ticket flow.
This would be greatly beneficial in dealing with remote customers that are dishonest, by providing me with a document that they have "signed" and agreed to.

Jordan Wires commented
take a look at what we have for the terms agreement on my site: