Statement email with credit
It would be helpful to be able to send customers a statement when they have credit on their account. At the moment the option to email an account balance statement on the customer page disappears when there are no outstanding invoices but the customer has credit.
Daniel Doyle commented
What I would like to see is the ability to show payments already taken, as well as payments that are outstanding, also any credits on the customer’s account.
Mark Balentine commented
I think that this is a CRITICAL function that needs to be incorporated. We've got business customers who provide monthly retainers which we bill against. The system properly tracks the invoices and balances, I'm rather surprised that since the data is there we can't run a report or print a statement.
It also creates a legal/tax issue as money taken in from a customer that is not billed against is not subject to sales tax nor does it count as revenue until billed against. But it is a company asset as future income.
Joseph B. commented
Actually, I did find a workaround for this. Use this link (Customize with subdomain and Customer Number:
(Replace 5175825 with the customer number that shows when you're on the customer, and your own subdomain)
Joseph B. commented
Yes, this would be very helpful! I was trying to send a customer a statement to show their credit balance and see that it's not currently an option.