Singular email option for Invoices
It would be very helpful if under the individual client, when we Edit their information under Additional Fields, to have a section in there for the option of "All invoices go to X email" Not the email address for the account, not the email address of the sub contact that the particular ticket had been assigned to.
Currently the only way to do that would be to have the main email of the clients account be their invoice email, and then every time you make an invoice, you would have to un-assign the sub contact to ensure it was only going to the one email, and not their employees that were attached to the ticket.
I understand there is the "Additional Invoice CC Emails" but that would still be sending the invoice to multiple emails :(

John commented
We have multiple accounts that are managed by one company (Hospital managed by ASSET Company. We work at hospital and get paid by ASSET Company) WHAT HAPPEND TO THE ADDITIONAL EMAIL Field? It was our work around. Now we have to created dummy emails for the new account because the account is managed by the ASSET Company. Very frustrating to work around. The suggestions from Brad and Jacob make sense. HELP!!!!!
John commented
I like Ryan and Brandon's Idea, kudos to Jacob for the idea start!
Gazo commented
Agree - not all primary contacts (business owners, managers, etc) want to receive the invoice emails directly or via CC. They almost always ask to sent invoices to accounts@....
The problem is if one sets the invoice to be sent to a contact, the primary contact still receives it!
Brandon commented
Yes I agree with you Ryan it would be super helpful to have multiple email spots in each customer profile and the have checkboxes that specify which email receives what communications.
For example something like this would be awesome...
[X] Receive Tickets
[ ] Receive Appointments
[ ] Receive Invoices
[ ] Receive Estimates
[ ] Receive
[X] Receive Tickets
[X] Receive Appointments
[X] Receive Invoices
[ ] Receive Estimates
[ ] Receive
[ ] Receive Tickets
[ ] Receive Appointments
[ ] Receive Invoices
[X] Receive Estimates
[X] Receive StatementsYes - I realize that RS has the "contacts" feature but I do not want to worry about selecting the "accountant" contact every time I make an invoice for the client. 100% of the time I would like the accounting dept. to receive invoices and the main contact not receive them.
Jason Miller commented
I agree... We have a business with 7 locations. So we have setup 7 customers / profiles since each of the business are owned by one parent company but they are all different independent businesses and they want the accounting to be separate. We really need the ticket emails to go to the managers at each location with a copy sent to the main parent company's general manager to keep up with what is going on. Also, we need the estimates to go1 to a parent company contact as well. However, they don't want the invoice going to the managers, They want the invoices to go to the accounting department at the main location. So right now the manager at each location gets them and the accounting department gets them.
So it would be super nice to be able to send the invoices to just the accounting email, and the tickets just to the general manager.
It's almost like we need the individual settings for each of the types of contacts.
Also, it's really hard sometimes when we have an Owner that has multiple company or a manager over multiple locations and RS only allows one customer profile to have that email address.
This has my vote!
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
More specifically it would be nice to be able to specify which emails go to which contact (if multiple). With single contacts or individuals, they would automatically be the default for: ticket updates, estimates, invoices, statements, etc.
But if there were multiple, having the ability to make one contact get ticket updates, and another contact get estimates/invoices/statements would be nice.
More. More! I WANT MORE!!! :)