Electronic signature after payment for credit card only
After we enabled electronic signature using the topaz pads I've had some complaints from my employees. While It works great if we're processing a credit card payment through repairshopr, It's a little less slick when taking other payments like cash, or check. The system still asks for an electronic signature even though it's not really necessary (with cash especially). Customers would inevitably feel weird if asked to sign after paying with cash. And the system won't automatically print out a receipt unless you sign.
The only thing I could see them signing for with a cash or check payment method is their agreement that work was completed. It's not really necessary though. We have them on security footage, they're picking up the computer they're paying for. Their compliance is implied.
I'm wondering if there's a quick/easy fix for being able to disable the electronic signature request for cash or other transactions. Any help is appreciated.
Or perhaps you have a b2b suggestion on how to make my customers happy to sign when paying cash =D :-)
CCW Technology commented
Yes please. This is a pain.