Integration with Naverisk
It would be great to have integration with INaverisk just like how the RMM feature for MaxFocus work so when an alert comes up, there would be an area within RS that shows the alert and you can convert to a ticket or clear the alert accordingly etc.
Momma Motherboard commented
Soooooooo need Naverisk!!!
J. Naughton commented
Would also like to see Naverisk intergration we could finally move away from Connectwise
Douglas Bradshaw commented
Switched from Naverisk to Ncentral. Way better. Looking forward to Ncentral integration. Taking my vote back.
Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
We are looking into Naverisk and would be interested in this. Perhaps even just a way to customize alert emails from their system to flow into a separate module in RS via a specific email subject would work?
Douglas Bradshaw commented
I am switching to Naverisk from Max and this feature was the only thing I will miss about Max