Zipwhip intergration
Our company uses ZipWhip which allows us to send and receive text messages on the same number as our landline... this works great because customer's only have to save/remember one phone number and they won't get confused on which number is for calling and which is for texting. I wish repairshopr would have this same feature or integrate Zipwhip in like it does for email messages.

It seems you have to be on a very high pricing plan to get API access. Do either of you have API access currently?
Pat Foraker commented
I don't currently, I would think you guys could look at this as a rebrandable service that you could sell directly to us, it would give you another revenue and provide a much better text experience in my opinion.
Pat Foraker commented
I agree, this would also be a simple integration, Zipwhip has an easy to use api, also if repairshopr wanted to they could just sign up as a reseller and brand it as there own sms system, very simple to do, way cheaper then many other options out there and has the nice perk of just using the number you already have. Please consider this as it is very viable option for most everyone.