We are a musical instrument repair shop and RepairShopr looks like it might be a good fit for our growing business. However, I don't see a rentals module as part of the POS. We offer long term rentals (1 to 24 months) with rental/repair insurance and process monthly billing. We're looking for a system that can handle this.

Tim Nyberg commented
It seems like a module to allow people to schedule music lessons would benefit you as well. Especially if they could log in via a web interface to do the rescheduling on their own? I work with a music shop, the music lessons are a huge issue. Whatever you choose should include a better way to manage lessons then an excel spread sheet. LOL
Megan Hamilton commented
We require the ability to invoice out to our clients hire/loan equipment. It would be ideal if you can setup your loan assets and clearly see what is available for hire or not,. A re-occuring invoice per month would be generated for the time that the equipment is out, as well as a reminder when the job is completed to the client that the loan equipment is due back. If you could also track the loan assets whereabouts easily and also the costs associated with purchasing the loan, keeping that loan in service etc.
James Moore commented
Our business would greatly appreciate this as well. Knowing which Assets are "rental" units, what shape are they in (did the customer bring it back dinged up and it needs a repair ticket?) and that sort of thing would help us a lot with scheduling. We could even use the intake form for terms and conditions!
I'm out of votes, but when some of the projects I voted on are completed I'll move my votes here.