iOS App Developments
Develop the App so that it replicates the same features of the website.
- Develop a POS feature for the app that acts as a POS for walk-in customer purchases and inventory management.
- When a ticket is payed for you should be prompted to close the ticket if you would like.
- The default print setting for the iOS app purchases should go to the receipt printer printing features.
- The iOS app should also be able to be setup as a register so that it ties directly to the website system. This way Z reports match correctly with sales and payments for invoices. Currently the reports to do not properly track payments that are made through the iOS app compared to payments made through the website.

Since this suggestion is actually a number of very separate ideas, we can’t properly mark it as planned/started/completed.
I’ll just leave it as under review.
We added the bit about closing the related ticket in the last release.
Nick Lenius commented
I would like to see Wiki access in the iOS app as that is where we keep client configs and credentials.