Set Different "Reorder At" and "Desired Stock Level" Defaults
Every time we add a new product (or worse, a new location) all of our inventory alerts go haywire. New products are set to default values of InStock(0), ReorderAt(2), and DesiredLevel(blank), which immediately throws up false alerts for inventory.
With adding a location, the new location sets those defaults to EVERY single product; meaning we have to go into every single product and update those values for each one. This is awful, and really needs a new set of "defaults" to make scaling simpler.
Can you please change the defaults for new products and locations to be InStock(0), ReorderAt(blank), and DesiredLevel(blank) so that new products and locations don't immediately throw up alerts before we get around to plugging in qty values?

Debbie Batista commented
We are also having problems with auto reordering. Our "Inventory Pending Orders Shopping" list is showing hundreds of inventory items that have 0 in-stock and 0 set for reorder.
Many of these inventory items may never be reordered and I cannot see how to remove from the pending order/shopping list.
I would like to suggest the following to improve functionality:
Add inventory items to the pending orders/shopping list ONLY when the set reorder qty and desired qty is true. DO NOT allow zero or blanks to be included or have a check box to turn off reordering function for that item)
Add an option/column to Delete inventory items/lines from the pending order/shopping