Graphical/input errors when changing prices in Inventory
This is on latest Firefox (43.0) on Linux Mint 64-bit. When navigating to I then wanted to adjust the price of an item. Clicking in the Retail column to change the price of the item (e.g, from $45 to $55) results in the item then looking different from others in the list. Instead of showing "$55.00", it shows "55.0".
Worse, if one enters information which matches the display of others in the list (actually entering "$55.00"), upon refreshing the page that item is instead now changed to $0.00.
Proposed solutions:
When updating a product price field after admin input, display the value in a consistent fashion so it matches the unedited items in the list (and the format of that field before the modification).
When an admin enters a currency symbol along with a price, intelligently parse the input instead of silently saving an invalid value.
At least this should be an easy one :)