Make the Issue Type and Customer Field Type The Same Thing
Selecting an Issue type when creating a new ticket should trigger the Custom Fields and linked Worksheets. It makes no sense to have them be separate Items. You can allow us to select what custom fields each issue type is linked to so it does not have to be a one-to-one relationship.

Phil Krough commented
@David Lawence, Thank the stars for you. YES THAT, PLEASE! My Example would be checking a customer in. Type: Infected. Triggers a worksheet for the scan and clean ups, and a custom field about anti-virus. Is there a work around?
solutions commented
I would also like to see this feature. It doesn't make any sense to have an extra step to have a checklist that is essential standard operating procedure for a type of job. If it attached automatically by "issue type" it would be easier to keep junior technicians from missing steps.
David Lawrence commented
worksheets are made useless by being tied to a custom field alone?
I'm not sure I understand why if I'm adding custom fields, I also want a worksheet.
Isn't that a little redundant, in that I'm adding two custom things together?In most cases, I want a worksheet based on a type of work done.
Which would be Issue type.
So why aren't Worksheets tied to Issue type?And so, as is mentioned here, I think an Issue Type should trigger a Custom Field and/or a Worksheet. ie. Issue Type should be the driver for what Custom Fields and Worksheets appear on a ticket.
And then if Issue Type is made an Automation Action, see my suggestion, then we could automate quite easily having worksheets and custom fields show where they are needed.
For reference: my Upvotes to this Suggestion.
Tim Nyberg commented
I think I agree, I don't see any reason to have to create any custom fields for this to work, it should be able to work off the default ticket "Issue Type" Of course it could work off custom fields but I would think working off the "issue type" makes a lot more sense.