Phone Number Lookup
Hey there, It would be nice to be able to look up the last 4 numbers in a telephone number so as someone is calling you can look up ahead of time and see who it is. Just a quick thing to help me with my repair process.

Just to clarify for everyone – you can search for phones by typing the whole number in without hyphens/parens/spaces – like 2065551212 – this request is just about making “last 4” work.
Josh G commented
This would indeed be extraordinarily useful. Some number calls in and I quickly have to match it to a lengthy list of tickets to see who is calling while our receptionist takes their information to see what they want. It's pivotal to have the client's contents prepared at that time. You never know who will pick up their stuff and when, so those few extra seconds to gather their belongings and assess the situation are extremely critical.
John Jespersen commented
Yes, this is great if we forget a name or they say it to quickly on the phone.
Greg Wilson commented
I agree we need customer phone number lookup badly
Matt Musumeci commented
This would be very useful for us to quickly search what customer is calling or called.