allow for tax on POs
Can you please allow us to specify whether we have paid tax or not on products we buy in, either individually or through Purchase Orders? Some suppliers are registered for VAT in the UK while other's aren't, and we have no way of specifying this when we buy something in.
David R commented
I am also having an issue with this. It is sometimes hard to match a match a supplier invoice that is tax exclusive as only 2 decimal places can lead to the incorrect item price so RS doesn't match the supplier invoice.
David Dibb commented
Please add sales tax to Purchase Orders
Gazo commented
The big issue with not having the tax amount listed on POs (like RS has no invoices) is that some items I order have sales tax and some don't, so having the tax on the PO at least lets us be sure we are accounting correctly as we go, rather than a mess at month end that needs unraveling.
Dan commented
This is the only thing stopping me from using Repair Shopr to its full extent. I need to purchase some items with VAT and some without depending on where they come from. I am having to use a third party accounting application to do my purchase orders so that the tax element shows, therefore making ordering and updating inventory rather "clunky". Adding a tax (vat) column to the purchase orders would allow us to complete everything within RS!