Save additional Payment Transaction Details to change history audit log
The Payment Details history page shows a lot of valuable information, which is priceless when it comes to reconciling or looking back on a payment. However, there are still many important details missing (when it comes to credit cards) which requires us to login to our merchant account seperately just to look up basic/non-confidential information. Some examples of fields that are missing:
Credit card type (Visa, AmEx...)
Method of entry (Swiped, keyed...)
Last 4 of card number (Customers always call and ask)
Reference number (Same as the invoice number, allowing us do searches in our merchant account)
Expiration date (Not really important, but why not)
The payment system already has fields available for many of these details, but they are not automatically updated after receiving a response from our merchant. Upgrading the payment log to include this information would do wonders in saving admins from having to look into another system. With the recent upgrade to support voids and refunds directly from RS, this is the ONLY reason we ever have to login to our merchant account!
Please let the above fields add/update on behalf of our merchant account (or at least with since they're the most popular) so that we never have to take time to login to their system. We want RS to be our complete solution for taking/referencing payments, and this would be all it takes to make that happen! :)
Mock-up image:

Ryan (CTO, Pinellas Computers) commented
Differentiate Between SWIPED and KEYED Transactions EVERYWHERE... I was just about to post this new request and came across this one made 2 years earlier.
The Gateway Reconciliation Report REALLY needs a filter for Swiped vs Keyed. Our account batches retail/ecommerce deposits separately, so while the GR report will show a total of $3,000.25 - our bank will have two deposits for variable amounts, totalling the sum of the GR report - SUPER difficult to reconcile, and a nightmare on Mondays when we get two sets of deposits for Friday, Saturday AND Sunday all on the same day.
A simple label for "Swiped" and "Keyed" with a filter to select one or both would be infinitely helpful. Then we could run a report on all the deposits of each type and do both reports in under 5 minutes. Otherwise, it's a daunting task of figuring out which two deposits equal the total payments for each day. This is a very minor feature request and would save users lots of time every single month.
Also, the other data listed originally would be super nice to have at a glance as well. Two years and patiently waiting. Thanks.