Multiple Service Boards/Lead Boards
Ability to have multiple ticket service boards. For example in-store tickets, monthly client support, managed anti-virus or managed backup support. That way we can have seperate emails ( or and they would go to those boards so techs know of specific issues.
For leads the ability to have a leads board for potential clients like from website forms, etc. so that sales staff would work that board and then a "tech board" where current clients could email to for support and tech staff would know to work those leads not being confused with sales leads.
Seankubin commented
Seconding this. Some of my work is in tickets, others is in outlook to-do, others are written on pieces of paper. If we had multiple ticket boards I could keep all my work in one system. As Nick said, it is important that the boards be able to the mapped to different email addresses. If a clever marketing idea strikes me I want to send it to and so on.