Print multiple ticket labels based on ticket content
We love RepairShopr for our computer and cell phone repair shop. There is a checkbox on our tickets called "Power Cord," which is selected when customers have included the charger for their computers. When checked, we would like to print 2 ticket labels – one for the computer, one for the charger – so that we don't have to manually print an extra one. Would anyone else like to see this feature integrated? Thanks in advance.
steve commented
We have the same setup and would find this feature very useful.
charles commented
Yes would be really handy to be able to add to custom fields like Charger or Bag that auto prints another TIcket label or customer label.
I know you can add an assett but we find its too time consuming to use assetts.
Phil Barnfield commented
This would definitely save time and our current ticketing system does this too.