Account Manager Field
It would be nice if each Customer/Client had an indexed field "Account Manager". Also, it would be nice if the Clients could then be organized by "Account Manager".
Currently I just added a custom field labeled "Account Manager", and made a drop down choice for each tech.

Vince Morris commented
That actually sounds a lot more clear now. I do like that idea very much.
I was hoping maybe this was a more simple task that could possibly take less work resulting quicker implementation. I just don't get how there is not any type of account manager assignment system that also allows you to organize clients that way. (also the inability to sort by field)
Timothy meredith commented
What I envisioned with your post was something similar to Autotask (I didn't like many aspects of Autotask but i did love their contact/client solution, although it got a little overcumbersome at times)
Basically, any contact/employee/customer you had all went into your contacts. You could create Businesses and associate all contacts with them in designated spots. You didn't have to classify a client as a business, but if you did create a business you could associate as many contacts with that business (or other businesses associate to it, for HQ and other locations/etc).
You could associate a contact as a account manager (you created contacts for each employee, job title, etc), associate a contact as a accountant/billing for who to send invoices to, etc.
Overall the method in that post allows for this to be implemented as well as overhauling the contact system as a whole.
Vince Morris commented
I don't know if I was clear about the scenario. I don't want account managers just for contracts, I want all clients to have an account manager.
Also some of our clients do not even have an actual business name. The practice is just their name. So the Business being just a container does not do a great job for us.
The think im requesting i think is a lot more of a simple fix. I have done it my self as a work around (described above and in my comment below)
The only thing that would have to be done, is make the field described above permanent and able to be indexed (for what im asking).
I do see the where some of the things listed in that post may be useful though.
timothy meredith commented
I agree but I think this post helps to accomplish that while fixing many other aspects of customer/client profiles.
Dane commented
This needs to happen!
Vince Morris commented
I also entered "Account Manager: Tech" into notes so that customers could be sorted by typing in the techs name.