Column for "Tech Paid" on Invoices
Like many repair shops, some of our techs are paid as subcontractors. As such, they get paid on billable work - though not necessarily on PAID billable work (billing is the company's responsibility, not the subcontractors). We pay subcontractors every 2 weeks on what they billed, not on what they collected payment for.
The problem is - we can't tell which invoices have been "paid out" to the subcontractor vs which ones still need to be paid out to them. The "took payment" option is for techs to keep track of payments made, and the "paid" option is for admins to reconcile payments. But there's no option to track "payouts" to our technicians.
It would be nice to have an option to turn on in settings called "Enable pay-out tracking". When enabled, admins would have another column to record when invoices have been "paid-out" to subcontracts; rather the invoice has been paid or not.
Should be reasonably simple. It's just too much chaos to go into every invoice and click change and add a note and save. Not to mention it's not easily visible.