Customizable Home Page
It would be nice if we could re-arrange or customize the home page of RepairShopr.
We've already liked and/or shared on Facebook, so we really have no need to have that loaded every time we go to the home page!
As an MSP we don't have walk-in customers so we don't use that entire Getting Started section at all! So to us it's a waste of screen space that could be better utilized by showing more details of the upcoming reminders (would be nice to see what customer the reminder is for!)
We like the What's New section, but it should be at the very bottom of the page, or better yet because it's really only of interest to the administrators, why not put this at the bottom of the admin page?
I'd much rather have the stats and summary higher on the home page than What's New!
It would also be nice to see a list of "My Tickets" on the home page.
My suggestion for a better home page layout is to make all of the sections one per row and toggleable so we can turn off sections we don't want!
Actually this goes for almost ALL of RepairShopr. Widen the content area to make use of 100% of the screen space! It'll still scale and word wrap for smaller screens/tablets, but would allow far more details for those of us using computers with widescreen monitors!
It would be awesome to have the ticket screen with one line per ticket rather than the current three lines per ticket!

Tommy Jobson commented
I totally agree with this, it would be really useful to have a go to start screen where everything my staff need is right in front of them.
Grant commented
I agree. This would be great. I would like to be able to have a dashboard widget tool. So that you could see an overview (more than MTD Stats). The reminders should be allowed to go full width. Site wide - the word wrap and column widths need some work. We could loose the “What’s New” Section and add it to another part of the app, Maybe in the admin?
Like others have posted “Actionable” items would be great. Like Open invoices, overdue POs, Open Parts on order,
Harrison commented
It would be nice to be able to modify the nav bar, or create profile templates for Techs. MSP Techs won't use some of these modules, like contracts for example, granted you can restrict access but it would be nice to remove the option to prevent mistaken clicks and wasted time. Another thing that would be nice is if they had the option to set the time-clock on the Navigation bar.
Kevin Klug commented
It would be nice to rearrange items on the home screen. I would also like to see more actionable data, such as New Tickets and list possibly the top 5, 10, 15 (make it user definable). I would also like to be able to see things such as Stale tickets broken down by "staleness" in three user definable ages (3 days, 1 week, 1 month...) and give them color coding.