Integrate with Square Terminal (Square's newer all-in-one device)
It would be absolutely amazing if RepairShopr could integrate with the Square Terminal via their API. I'd love to be able to hit 'Take Payment' on an invoice in RepairShopr, and have the Square Terminal wake up and prepare to accept a payment for the invoice total.
It would be much better than the existing Square payment flow in the RS Lite mobile app, which in my experience never really works anyway.

Schneider's Computing commented
I 100% whole heartedly agree as Square is the only integration in Canada, World Pay won't allow us to have a debit machine in Canada... so we have to enter cards manually or open the Square app on the iPad. We want seamless flow from hitting Credit card/debit in Repairshopr to a debit machine that shows the amount owing! That or make the second screen compatible for the customer to enter their pin and link to the square reader. That would be A LOT more convenient than pulling up the invoice on a second iPAD and sending it to sqaure manually... it's way too many extra steps!
murray commented
Really really need this in Canada as WorldPay is currently not supported and we don't have a lot of other options to use chip cards (which everyone uses) and to work mobile. can't do this!!