Special Orders
I'm seriously missing an "Order" feature in this product. For example, in the last 2 POS systems I've used, there were Invoices, Orders, and Service Orders. Orders were for customers ordering normal stock or not-normal stock that you were either out of stock on, or didn't carry normally. The Orders would flow into a PO, and when the customer came to pickup, you would convert the order into an invoice. I don't see how to duplicate that workflow in RepairShopr.
Jeff Baker commented
I'm also surprised this function doesn't exist. Ideally, I want to create orders for customers who request I find them a specific product. That way when it comes in or becomes available, I get notification that it has been requested by this customer.
Chris Weaver commented
I've done this using the part order. Just create a ticket then use the "+New"--"Part Order" then fill out the information on the Special Order. I Do wish the name would be different on the ticket for such instances. Maybe add a "Type" field on the "New Order" with options like "Part Order", "Special Order", etc.