More options (length of subscription) for subscribing via Recur module
I am assuming the Recur module is developed by RepairShopr, I honestly can't find any info about the developers of this integration specifically. I'm suggesting adding more options (other than just Monthly) for customer's self-service subscription pages for Kabuto Packages.
This is a fantastic feature, that, for us at least, has had essentially no impact on customer's self-servicing a managed service package. Almost all of the dozens of managed service packages we've sold have been for yearly subscriptions. I think psychologically, home users don't want to have to deal with anything tech-related more than once a year. And they prefer to just pay a larger sum for a years worth of protection or service rather than have a monthly recurring subscription.
Since the process of storing a client's credit card and creating a recurring invoice is somewhat clunky to do smoothly/quickly at checkout, we want to guide them to the self service portal, but we inevitably get a call back once they go to sign up, preferring to do it yearly.
Just a thought and humble request to add longer terms as an option for self-service.
- Chris